How Many Customers Will Banks Gain in 2022 Thanks to Remote Identity Detection?

elinde T.C. kimlik kartı tutan vatandaş
Handling banking transactions with mobile devices without having to go to a branch has been one of the biggest comfort areas of the last period. It is now extremely easy to become a customer of new banks using only phones. Thanks to the point where digital banking has come, there is no longer any need to wait in line, no need to search for a branch! Of course, the work of bank employees has also decreased by half thanks to these systems. Unnecessary paperwork and communication traffic disappeared and services in banks became much higher quality. So, which method is used to complete this process with high security and to protect both bank and customer data? Let's answer the question right away: Secure remote authentication!

A Customer Acquisition Story: Becoming an Offshore Bank Customer

elinde T.C. kimlik kartı tutan vatandaş
Remote customer acquisition means unlimited customers in an unlimited environment. The technological conditions are so advanced at this point that it is now possible to become a bank customer, log in to applications or sign contracts remotely through face verification in just a few minutes, even on the high seas. In this article, we will tell you a short story of remote customer acquisition. Let's see what customers and businesses experience in these processes, what do they gain?

How to Sign Contracts
with an Identity Card?

elinde T.C. kimlik kartı tutan vatandaş
Did you know that you can authenticate and sign contracts using an identity card? Thanks to technologies that aim to make human life easier and more comfortable, it is possible to handle signature and identity verification processes effortlessly. In this article, only T.C. We will explain how you can sign using an ID card, how you can verify your customers' identities, and the ArkSigner ID Card Reader that makes all this possible.

How Can You Make Your Business More Profitable with Remote Authentication Solutions?

uzaktan kimlik doğrulama yapan müşteri temsilcisi
Today, many businesses and government agencies run their services online. In this way, users and customers can complete their transactions in a short time. However, in remote transactions, identifying the data and the identity of the person performing the transaction and ensuring security becomes an extremely critical issue. Preventing negative consequences such as identity fraud and fraud is possible with remote identification and authentication. Well, do you know what remote identification and authentication will give you in corporate processes? Let's see, what are the benefits of remote identification and verification processes for businesses?

Why is Remote
Identification Important?

Today, it is possible to perform many transactions without the need for face-to-face communication. Completing remote shopping, money transfers, insurance activities and many other transactions remotely greatly facilitates the work of users. However, in remote transactions, identifying and verifying the identity of the person making the transaction is an important issue in terms of security. So, why are remote identification and authentication processes so important? Let's take a look.

What You Should Know About Authentication
and Electronic Signature

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

e-Signature and Remote Customer Acquisition Giant
Journey in the Industry with ArkSigner

ArkSigner, which is growing day by day in the digital security sector with its identity verification, identification and e-Signature solutions, met with its future users and industry experts at many events in Turkey and around the world. In this article, we take a short break from digital security technologies; We take you on a journey in the industry through the events ArkSigner participates in.


Aug 19 2024

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Towards a New Era in Crypto Asset Markets in Turkey

In recent years, crypto assets and blockchain technologies have become a focus of great interest worldwide, even beyond the financial world. Türkiye has not been left behind by these developments and has put the issue of regulating crypto asset service providers on its agenda. In fact, the first concrete step regarding the legal framework that has been expected to be introduced regarding crypto assets in the last three years was taken last week. In this context, the Bill on Amendments to the Capital Markets Law, which includes regulations regarding crypto assets, has been submitted to the Presidency of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.


May 21 2024

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Crypto Assets and Financial Crimes

While the use of crypto assets is increasing, the need to prepare a regulatory framework that protects consumers and investors, on the one hand, and supports the development of technology, on the other, remains current all over the world. However, as with all emerging technologies, the pace of regulation cannot keep up with the pace of technology. Different rules in various jurisdictions make compliance difficult for organizations operating globally and increase the risk of loopholes being exploited by circumventing the rules.


Dec 01 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

One Step Away from Centralized Data Systems:
European Union Digital Identity Wallet

In 2014, the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS), a European Union (EU) regulation regarding electronic identification and trust services, was published, and it aimed to diversify trust services. eIDAS, still in force, sets forth three different electronic signatures: Simple Electronic Signature, Advanced Electronic Signature, and Qualified Electronic Signature. Among these signatures, only the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) has the same legal status and the same legal effect as a handwritten wet signature. Because in qualified electronic signatures, qualified certificates provided by Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) are used.


Nov 24 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Crypto Asset Regulations in Turkiye and the World

With the increase in the use of blockchain in various sectors, crypto assets have begun to gain a significant place in country economies as alternative financial assets. When crypto-assets first started to become popular, there was a perception that these assets were immune from the legal order, due to the framework of the "code is law" principle. Over time, it has become clear that crypto assets are also subject to legal rules. However, the regulatory strategies adopted by countries regarding crypto assets developed differently from each other.


Nov 13 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

A-Z Digital Onboarding Dictionary for Beginners

Digital onboarding processes, leading the forefront of the digital transformation in every sector, from financial services to education, healthcare to retail, offer a fast and effective method to welcome your customers and employees. However, in this world filled with terminology, finding your way may be challenging.


Nov 07 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Blockchain and Developments in the Field of Intellectual Property

The fact that blockchain technology and its applications have influenced many sectors has been a driving force in researching the effects of this technology on the intellectual and industrial property ecosystem and creating models that support blockchain technology. There are benefits that both intellectual property and industrial property rights can derive from the use of blockchain technology. Blockchain increases the speed of transactions while maintaining high-quality data transfers. Thanks to features such as ensuring data integrity and security, blockchain has the potential to improve the connection between users and intellectual property rights and provide new services that will speed up procedures between intellectual property offices.


Nov 03 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Smart Contracts Leveraging Artificial Intelligence

The use of smart contracts in areas such as DeFi and tokenization has not yet reached the desired efficiency level. It can be said that there are many reasons for this. First, since smart contracts are a piece of code, creating smart contracts requires coding knowledge. Even if the best software developer writes this code, it may contain bugs. Smart contracts cannot automatically adapt to these changes when conditions change for transaction parties, because these software programs lack dynamic decision-making feature. Smart contracts are closed to change due to the “tamper-proof” feature of the blockchain. The programming language used in smart contracts is rigid. Additionally, difficulties are encountered in the enforcement of court decisions in the blockchain ecosystem in general. Finally, undesirable results may occur in the execution of smart contracts due to incorrect data provided by oracles that carry external data to smart contracts.


Oct 30 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Smart Contract 2.0

Smart contracts were the subject of many studies, reports, and articles, especially between 2016 and 2018, when ICOs began to become widespread. The term "contract" in the concept attracted especially lawyers to this new formation like a magnet. Studies examining smart contracts directly and conceptually have given way to application areas of smart contracts, such as tokenization, NFTs, decentralized finance, and decentralized autonomous organizations. These developments do not mean that smart contracts have lost their importance. On the contrary, it should be said that a new era has entered in smart contracts: the era of smart contract 2.0.


Oct 23 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Developments Regarding the Legal Nature of NFTs

Tokens can be created in many ways, represent different assets, and serve various purposes. Therefore, it is not easy to determine the legal nature of tokens. The same is also true for NFTs, which are a kind of tokens. Especially considering that there are different types of NFTs, such as d-NFT (dynamic NFT) or f-NFT (fractionalized NFT), it becomes difficult to determine the legal nature of the token and which fields of law it concerns within this framework. Looking around the world, it can be seen that NFT issuances are inspected in terms of financial crimes, consumer protection, intellectual property, and especially capital market law rules.


Oct 13 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Is It the End of NFT and Smart Contracts?

NFTs entered our lives with record sales figures in 2021. Artists, celebrities, and collectors literally fly into NFTs. The digital collage named “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” made by Beeple, one of the first names that come to mind when it comes to NFT artworks, was sold for 69.3 million dollars, and still maintains the top spot on the famous NFT marketplace Opensea. Some trendy NFT projects have also emerged from Turkey. Refik Anadol's work “Machine Hallucinations” was sold for 5.1 million dollars at the auction house Sothebys. The artist nicknamed Pak is a titleholder of being the most expensive NFT project to date: The dynamic NFT project named “The Merge” is a collection worth $ 91.8 million.


Oct 06 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Blockchain Technology in Digitalization of Trade Documents

It is confirmed every day with the emergence of new usage scenarios that blockchain is not just Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It has long been stated that blockchain technology and tokenization have significant potential in terms of trade finance, logistics, insurance, and supply chains. The implementation of smart contracts regarding letters of credit was on the agenda.


Sep 29 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Being a Consumer in the Blockchain Ecosystem

Blockchain technology is being used in different sectors at an increasing rate. In parallel, indirect or direct regulation studies on blockchain technology are accelerating in 2023. A legal transformation triggered by blockchain is taking place in many different areas, from crypto-asset markets to electronic trading documents, from decentralized autonomous organizations to central bank digital currencies.


Sep 22 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

An Alternative to Traditional Payment Methods: Central Bank Digital Currencies

The increase in digitalization and hygiene concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people avoiding cash and moving their financial transactions to the digital environment. The transaction volume of digital branches of banks and other financial institutions has increased significantly. Simultaneously, the proliferation of disruptive technologies such as blockchain led to significant transformations in financial services. The blockchain's decentralized, immutable, and pseudonymous nature has allowed for some groundbreaking changes in payments. At this point, cryptocurrencies were followed by stable coins and central bank digital currencies (CBDC).


Sep 14 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Developments on Digital Assets in Countries Belonging to the Anglo-Saxon Legal System

First, with the entrance of cryptocurrencies and other crypto assets into our lives, the issues of “what” the assets owned by individuals and “what rights” they have on these began to come to the fore. Payments with cryptocurrencies, usage of NFTs as collateral, and transactions with stablecoins... With these, the use of crypto assets in business and trade life has increased.


Aug 28 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

What is Transaction Signing (AES)?
What are its Advantages and Features?

The new agenda of the last period in the field of digital security has been “transaction signing”. In the digitalization process, which started with an electronic signature and continued with remote identification processes, a brand new door is now opening for users.


July 18 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Regulation in the Web 3.0 Era: MiCA Regulation of the European Union

Web 3.0 technologies, namely artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, and big data applications have transformed many sectors by offering new business and investment opportunities. Traditional services have begun to move to decentralized structures. While the development and diffusion of these technologies offer options to individuals and institutions, on the other hand, legal uncertainties stand as an obstacle to the widespread adoption of these technologies and their full benefits.


June 20 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Dispute Resolution in Web 3.0 Era

As an immutable, transparent, and reliable electronic database Blockchain allows transactions in many different sectors to be carried out quickly, efficiently, and automatically. Undoubtedly, smart contracts running on the blockchain have a significant role in this. With smart contracts, transactions such as cross-border fundraising, digital rights management, syndicated loans, NFT trading, or trade finance can be completed more quickly, at less cost, without human intervention.


June 09 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Smart Contracts Through the Eyes of Legal Experts

Nick Szabo first used the term “smart contract” in the early 1990s. This concept is experiencing its golden age after the development of the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are used in many sectors conducive to digitization, from NFTs to supply chains, from intellectual property management to trade finance. They have begun to take on the role of an essential tool in terms of establishing and conducting legal relations between individuals and institutions.


June 01 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

The Story of a CEO Opening a CorporateBank Account

Being the CEO of a company is the highest point an employee can reach in the competitive world of the private sector. The abbreviation "Chief Executive Officer" is actually translated into Turkish as "chief executive" as the most important decision mak


May 21 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Security Token Offerings

STOs (Security Token Offering) is one of the fundraising processes carried out by smart contracts, just like ICOs (initial coin offering). It is an alternative financing tool for companies to raise capital and investors to invest more safely and transparently. Within the scope of STOs, funds are collected for projects by issuing tokens to investors.


May 21 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Digital Fundraising via Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are used in crowdfunding and similar financing projects to raise funds. Thanks to the self-execution and immutability features of smart contracts, it is possible to automate the fundraising process and manage the processes between the investor and the project owners more quickly and efficiently.


May 09 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Minimum Risk in Finance: Questions About Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

Financial transactions, by their very nature, bring risks for both customers and organizations. This is why it is very important to conduct risk analysis in transactions for new generation financial instruments in addition to credit and financing, factoring or leasing processes. So much so that there are many societal threats, from money laundering to terrorist financing, among the risks mentioned.


May 02 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Creation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations with Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are software codes that can execute any command that can be digitized. They enable many transactions, from automating supply chains to insurance payments, from NFT sales to syndicated loans, to be carried out quickly, with less expense, and without the necessity of intermediaries.


April 28 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Record and Transfer of Digital Assets through Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are blockchain-based computer programs that eliminate the need for traditional intermediaries. They ensure that if specific conditions are met, then specific actions are taken automatically. Since smart contracts are based on automation, the parties to the transaction do not need to know and trust each other personally. 


April 17 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

What MASAK Regulation Brings to Remote Authentication?

Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) made a new regulation change in the first days of April 2023. With the amendment, legal entities registered in the commercial registry have been added to the scope of remote identification applications, which were previously only available to real persons.

Authentication and Authentication

April 11 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Smart Contracts and Automation

Smart contracts are contracts that are encoded and stored in the blockchain. Smart contracts enable all parties to instantly confirm the result by automating the execution without the need for intermediaries of agreements. Here, what makes these contracts, which are closed to change and irrevocable,


April 05 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

The New Face of Digital Contracts: Smart Contracts

One of the first applications that come to mind when blockchain is mentioned is undoubtedly "smart contracts". Generally, all legal experts, other social scientists, and people who focus on the technical side prefer the term: "smart contract",


March 30 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Let's Get to Know ArkLogin Technology That Provides Secure Login to Digital Applications!

The technology surrounding our lives has brought with it many new concepts that people did not know in previous periods. The concept of “log in” is one of them.

Authentication and Authentication

March 24 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

From a Legal Perspective: Crypto Assets

With blockchain technology, many new concepts came into our lives: cryptocurrency, token, NFT (non-fungible token), CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), and DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) are just a few of these concepts...


March 14 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Step by Step Guide to Opening a Deposit Account with KYC

Thanks to mobile applications and developing technology, there is no longer any need to deal with problems such as waiting at the branch or taking a queue for banking services. All users can perform money transfer or investment transactions through the applications at their homes, workplaces and even during their travels

Remote Customer Acquisition

March 09 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Use of Crypto Assets in Charitable Activities

Blockchain has many different use cases far beyond cryptocurrency investments and trading. We witnessed one of them in the aftermath of the February 6 earthquakes: using cryptocurrencies to help people affected by disasters. A similar example was also seen in the charities to Ukraine last year: over $60 million worth of cryptocurrencies from all over the world were donated to Ukraine. 


March 01 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Application Period with Identity Card for Electricity and Natural Gas Subscriptions

Electricity, water or natural gas subscription processes can sometimes be troublesome for landlords and new tenants. The collection of documents, appointments from the authorized institution and, most importantly, longer waiting times can force applicants.

Authentication and Authentication

February 23 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Making a Difference in Social Services with Improved Public Practices

Turkey has made significant progress in the long-term digital transformation process. Today, almost all citizenship services can be offered, especially through e-Government and connected applications. With these applications, it is possible to reach official records related to population directorates, Social Security Institution, Tax and Judicial transactions.

Authentication and Authentication

February 16 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

The new stage in the evolution of NFTs: f-NFTs and d-NFTs

The NFT frenzy we have witnessed in the last two years has attracted significant interest from various segments. A large market has emerged where digital art, games, sports cards, music, and many other digital contents are sold by tokenization. NFT dapps were among the best-performing apps in the crypto winter we experienced in 2022.


February 15 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

A Look at the Concept of BaaS (Biometrics as a Service)

The fascinating development process that started with the Industrial Revolution started a historical journey from analog to digital, from digital to artificial intelligence. This process continues rapidly today. It is also possible to say that the Web 3.0 era is rapidly evolving into a robotic era. Now humanity can do all their work digitally. Moreover, these processes involve the use and development of human-specific elements.

Authentication and Authentication

February 03 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

NFTs, Storage, and Persistence Issues

Today, the most valuable assets are no longer just those with physical assets such as housing, land, and artwork. Virtual assets that came into our lives with digitalization have become so widespread and appreciated that, all around the world, a new category under the name of "digital assets" is needed. Regulation studies have already begun on this issue. Undoubtedly, crypto assets such as tokens, crypto money, and NFT, which have a place in our lives with the blockchain, take an essential role in the emergence of these ideas. 


February 03 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

The Potential & Risks of NFTs

In early 2021, NFTs walked into our lives at an unprecedented pace and gained a significant market share. It is a fact that NFTs have not yet reached an audience as widely as cryptocurrencies. Many people are interested in NFTs, as well as many who described them as a bubble. Furthermore, NFT sales have fallen like a stick significantly during the so-called "crypto winter" of 2022. The FTX scandal remained on the agenda for months and might have caused confidence in Web 3.0 technologies to be shaken a little. However, the interest in NFTs has never decreased.


January 30 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

Key Components of the NFT Ecosystem

Let's take a closer look at NFTs, which have been in our lives since 2014 and have become popular all over the world as of 2021, reaching high sales figures:NFT, a non-exchangeable token, i.e. a crypto asset, needs to be kept separate from the underlying content of NFT. This content can be digital files such as pictures, music, videos, or it can be physical assets in the real world. It is possible to convert a painting, sculpture or even houses or buildings to NFT.


January 20 2023

KYC Kavramı, Müşterinizi Tanıyın.

KYC - e-KYC - Remote KYC: Definitions, Differences and Benefits

There are different transition points in sectors for international organizations, medium-sized businesses or small enterprises. Regardless of the size of the industry, the only constant issue for companies is to ensure transaction, data security and customer trust. Because customer trust means more profit. Research shows that customers prefer reliable brands and companies more. So, what needs to be done to ensure security?

Remote Customer Acquisition

January 18 2023

Digital Art, NFTs, and More

Tokenization, one of the essential building stones of the blockchain ecosystem, enables the creation of new business models in many existing sectors. Tokens and tokenization have the potential to make a big difference in many industries, from art to logistics, from real estate to insurance. By diversifying investment vehicles, tokenization allows investors to expand their portfolios by adding new assets


January 11 2023

End Complex Processes and Security Vulnerabilities in Customer Service with LiveAuth Communicator!

One of the most important parts of the new generation marketing approach is customer service, which is carried out effectively. The increase in product options and the understanding that customer behavior is one of the most critical factors in sales has led all businesses to improve customer service. Today, from the smallest enterprises to the most comprehensive companies, all businesses continue their pre-sales and after-sales marketing processes with mobile customer services.

Remote Customer Acquisition

January 06 2023

The trend at the Center of Global Regulatory Movements: Tokens

With the introduction and widespread use of blockchain when we say digital assets, a great variety of assets such as tokens, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies (CBDC) are coming into mind. Many companies have become in search of new business and growth opportunities in the face of these developments in digital assets. On the other hand, the rapid participation of digital assets into business life without an absolute legal basis has caused new risks for consumers, investors, and financial systems.


December 26 2022

What Can Change in Using ID Card Readers in Cargo Delivery?

Identification and authentication processes are the most effective way to provide security in almost all transactions. Identification is an element that protects both business processes, businesses and customers when purchasing a product, bank transactions, money transfers and even when receiving products by courier.

Remote Customer Acquisition

December 22 2022

The Rise of DeFi: How Tokens Can Change Our Lives

In the financial systems we are used to, the intermediation of banks and financial institutions is needed to hold money, borrow capital, earn interest and perform other financial transactions. Banks and financial institutions can freeze assets; working hours and cash reserves are determined. They have power over their clients' funds. This traditional order is characterized as “centralized finance” (CeFi- centralized finance).


December 20 2022

To Multiple Apps With One Tap
5 Benefits of Gaining Access

Hayatımızın büyük bir kısmını online uygulamalar oluşturuyor. Akıllı cihazlar bu uygulamaları gittiğimiz her yere götürebilmemize de olanak tanıyor. Kamunun resmi işlemlerinden, belge imzalama süreçlerine, oyunlardan alışveriş uygulamalarına kadar her bir platforma giriş ise güvenlik nedeniyle

Remote Customer Acquisition

December 12 2022

Towards the Self-Sovereign Identity with BlockchaiN

Identity has been perhaps one of the most critical elements of a functioning society and economy. The notion of identity also moved into digital along with digitalization. People had to define themselves in digital environments to be able to make transactions in digital environments, to be a part of social media, to register and apply for digital services – briefly,


December 07, 2022

Basic Concepts of Blockchain Technology

In order to understand the blockchain, think about its potential and determine the sociological, legal and economic steps to be taken, it is necessary to have knowledge about the basis of technology. Let's look at the key elements of blockchain technology in its simplest form:


December 01, 2022

Blockchain Technology - So Much More Than a Payment System

Blockchain technology has become a technological infrastructure far beyond the realization of crypto money transfers since 2008 when it entered our lives –about 14 years ago. Blockchain technology is the basis of the app


November 24, 2022

Don't Get Bored While Waiting for the e-Signature Infrastructure Integration! ArkSigner VIA Is Here For You!

Using electronic signature speeds up transactions, makes things more practical, and is it always that fast and practical to integrate the infrastructure to be used in applications? In some infrastructures, months of integration work may be required to bring electronic signature feature to applications. That's writing pages of code, chock-full of bugs.

Remote Customer Acquisition

November 22, 2022

Blockchain and Internet of Things in the Era of Web 3.0

The Internet is no longer the Internet that was in the days when it first appeared and spread. In the early 1990s, we met with an internet experience called “read-only” (“Web 1.0”). There was a static network structure. We had been using the Internet only to get information. Then, through the introduction of soc


November 15, 2022

Approaching the End of 2022:
The Past, Present and Future of Blockchain

Satoshi Nakamoto, who introduced the Bitcoin cryptocurrency into our lives, described the possibility of people sending money to each other without the need for any intermediary in the article titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. Nakamoto, who we still do not know who he is today, is in the conclusion part of this article,


November 07, 2022

What is KYB (Know Your Business)? What are the Differences Between KYC and KYB?

KYC covers methods used primarily to provide security and increase service efficiency in digital and traditional business processes. Who is the current or prospective customer?

Remote Customer Acquisition

November 04, 2022

How to Use Electronic Signatures and Multi-Factor Authentication in the Health Industry?

Healthcare access is a primary global concern. Digitalization processes give people who use services and those who provide services many options. With digital transformation, you no longer have to wait in line to make an appointment, take minutes to write a prescription, or wait hours to get test results. This is because digital applications have been around for a while and are accessible at public healthcare facilities and pharmacies.

Remote Customer Acquisition

October 21, 2022

How Many Customers Have Banks Gained in 2022 Thanks to Remote Authentication?

One of the most significant conveniences of modern times is the ability to do financial transactions using mobile devices rather than visiting a physical location. Mobile banking has made opening accounts at new financial institutions a breeze. As a result of how far online banking has progressed, you no longer have to visit a physical bank or waste time looking for an open branch. The technologies also cut the workload of bank personnel in half. Since the elimination of unnecessary paperwork and communication traffic, the quality of banking services has dramatically improved. So, how is this completed safely and securely, safeguarding sensitive information from both banks and their customers? Let us go to the point and answer your question: Secured Remote Authentication!

Remote Customer Acquisition

October 06, 2022

Becoming an Offshore Bank Customer: A Tale of Remote Customer Acquisition

Acquiring consumers from afar allows you to reach a potentially infinite number of people. It now takes only a few minutes to open a bank account, log in to an app, or digitally sign a contract using just your face as a form of identification, even when at sea, thanks to the prevalence of modern biometric authentication methods. In this article, we'll tell you a short story about how remote customer acquisition works. Let's take a closer look at what customers and businesses experience and what they gain from these processes.

Remote Customer Acquisition

September 28, 2022

How to Sign Contracts with a Turkish ID Card?

Did you know that a Turkish ID card can be used to prove who you are and sign contracts? With the help of technologies meant to make people's lives easier and more comfortable, it is easy to verify a signature or an identity.

Remote Customer Acquisition

July 22, 2022

How to Make Your Business More Profitable with Remote Authentication Solutions?

Nowadays, many organizations, both private and public, provide their services online. The resulting streamlined process benefits both the business and its consumers. However, confirming the data's and the user's identity while maintaining security becomes a pressing concern in distant transactions. Remote identification and authentication can help avoid problems like impersonation fraud and stolen identities. Do you know what benefits remote identification and authentication will bring to your company's practices? Let's take a closer look at the positive aspects of remote identification and authentication procedures for companies.

Remote Customer Acquisition

June 23, 2022

Why is Remote
Identification Important?

Today, it is possible to perform many transactions without the need for face-to-face communication. Completing remote shopping, money transfers, insurance activities and many other transactions remotely greatly facilitates the work of users. However, in remote transactions, identifying and verifying the identity of the person making the transaction is an important issue in terms of security. So, why are remote identification and authentication processes so important? Let's take a look.

Remote Customer Acquisition

May 16, 2022